9th - ENGLISH - ASSIGNMENT 2 - UNIT 2 - QUESTION & ANSWER / 9 ஆம் வகுப்பு - ஆங்கிலம் - ஒப்படைப்பு 2 - இயல் 2 - வினாக்களும் விடைகளும்.


                       ASSIGNMENT  - 2

          Class: 9       Subject: English


                                Part - A

I.One Mark Questions

Find out the appropriate synonyms for the underlined  words:

1. She spent  the afternoon pruning roses.

al skimming      b) trimming

c) flourishing d )  scanning

Ans :  b ) trimming 

2. The blood loss and lack of food made her  dizzy.

a ) rusty         b) silky

c) shaky       d) milky

Ans : c ) shaky

3. We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin.

a ) muttered  b) soaked

c) watery        d) dry

Ans : b ) soaked 

Find out the appropriate antonyms for the underlined. words:

4. I'm glad you came

a )  pleasure      b),sad

cl bright         d) appreciated

Ans : b) sad

5. They set up the camp on the verge of the desert.

a) bottom         b) edge

c) top               d) center

Ans : center

6. Kameshwar received a medal in reward for his bravery.

al) willy              b) cowardice
c) valuable,        d) worthy

Ans :  cowardice 

Choose the correct answer "

7. The house which was visited by the man.

a) remain unchanged
b) was totally changed
c) was slightly repaired
d) was given a facelift

Ans : a ) remain unchanged

8. The visitor came back to the house because he

a) wanted to see the jackfruit tree
b) wanted to look again at his old house
c) was looking for his lost youth
d) wanted to buy the house

 Ans:  b )  wanted to look again at his old house

9. The visitor gifled the ------- 

a) Iron cross    b ) marbles

c) bronze medal  d) old coins 

Ans :  a ) Iron cross 

Write the full form of the following words:

10. I'll  - I will 

11. can't  -  can not

12. wasn't  - was not 

Choose the correct answer:

13. A mobile phone is.......................radio 

a) as trend as

b )  trendier than

c) the trendiest 

d) as trendier

Ans :  b ) trendier than 

14. No other girls in the class is ----- Rekha 

a) as tall as     b) tallest

c) taller than     d) tall than

Ans :  as tall as

15. India registered its --------- medal tally in Tokyo olympic 2020.

a) highest  b )  as high as

c) higher than     d) higher

Ans :  a ) highest

Read the following lines and answer the questions:

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

16. Pick out the rhyming words

Ans - friend - end 

foe - grow 

17. What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?

Ans : a , a , b , b 

18. Iderilily the figure of speech used in the tille of the poem-'A Poison Tree

Ans : Metaphor

19. Find out the alliterated words in the following line.

Alliterated words

1 ) was , with 

2 ) friend , foe 

And I sunned it with smiles.

Choose the correct answer:

20. The poet was still angry with his -----

a )  friend

b) brother

c) neighbour

d) foe

Ans : a )  friend

21. The poet compares wrath with ------

a) tree           b) sky 

 c) river          d) mountain

Ans : a ) tree

22. The tree was watered in ------

a )  tears     b ) fears

c) happiness      d) kindness

Ans : a ) tears

23. The teacher in Margie's school was a..........

a) man   b) Alien

c) woman     d) machine

Ans :  machine 

24. Margie was..........years old.

a) 11    b) 13       d) 18      c) 12

Ans : a ) 11

25. Tommy found the book in the ------

a) attic     c) halcony

b) room     d) veranda

Ans : a ) attic

26. Margie always  -------  school

a) loved       b) imagined

d) desired    c) hated

Ans : hated 

27. The country inspector gave Margie a/ an ------

a) orange             b) margo

c) chocolate        d ) apple

Ans : d ) apple

28. Margie had to write test after test in ------

a) Geography          b) Mathematics

c) English                d) Science

Ans : a ) Geography 

29. In olden days, the school was --------

a.) in a special building

b) in an apartment 

 c) at home

d) in open place

Ans : in a special building

30. Who wrote about the old book in the diary    ----------

a )  Tommy              b) Mrs. Jories

c) grandfather        d) Margie

Ans : d ) Margie

Answer the following:

31. What did the visitor hide in the jackfruit tree?

         The visitor hid an Iron cross in the jackfruit

32. What was the local superstition about trees?

        The logal superstition was that the owner of the house will also be receiving the blessing if the shadowof the tree falls on the house.

33. What was the old house built with?

           The old house was built with solid blocks of granite .

34. Why did the visitor return to his old house?

              The  visitor wanted to see the old house and his treasures which he had left in the jack - fruit tree when they sold the house.

Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions that follows in a sentence or two.

35. 'I was angry with my friend

I told my wrath, my wrath did end."

a) Whom does I refer to?

       I refer to the poet.

b) how did the anger of the poet come to an end?

         The anger of the poet came to an end when he told his wrath.

36."In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretched beneath the tree"

a ) How did the poet feel in the morning?

            The poet was glad to see it in the morning.

b) Who is the fue reſerred to here?

             Satan is the foe referred to here.

37. "And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.

a) What does il refer to?

          ' It ' refers to the tree.

b) What does apple signity?

        Apple signifies wrath.

38."And I watered it in fears

Night and morning with my tears;."

a ) How is it watered ? 

    It is watered with tears.

b ) What does it refer to?

      It refers to the seed ( wrath ) 

                          Part - B

II. Short Answer.

39. Bring out any two differences between your school and Margie's school ?

Margie's school

* Teacher is a machine

* Only tele books are used

* School is at home

* There is no ground

Your school

* Teacher is a human being

* Books are in printed form

*  school is in a special building

*  There is a play ground

40. Why was Margie surprised to see the old book?

          Margie had never seen a book before. She had been used to telėbooks than the real books. Margie's book was only the screen of the mechanical teacher. The words and the pages of the telebook could be moved after reading it. In the real book the words are printed and they are permanent on each page of the book, One could go with the old book unlike the tele books.Thus Margie found the old book strange.  So she was surprised to see the book.


III. Write in detail.

41. Narrate the story, I Can't Climb Trees Anymore', in your won  words.

Paragraph for Toppers

Lesson :  I can't climb trees anymore
Author : Ruskin Bond
Character : Self, Boy and mother
Theme : A possibility becomes an impossibility at times.

       Here is the story of my visit to my ancestral house. We had lived in that house for about twenty years. I went there to see it. It was very old but it looked majestically. I remembered the old saying. Old is Gold. I stood near the well painted old gate, staring at the house. He invited
me into his house. His mother was there. His father had gone on an official tour. My eyes
searched the house. I told his mother about the precious thing that we left when we sold this
house. I took them into a room inside the house. I climbed on a ladder and looked for it in the
upper shelf. It was never opened since we left. In the midst of certain old things I saw it. I was
extremely happy. They were surprised to see it. It wasn't rusty.

It was an air gun my grandfather had been using. He had given it to me. I brought it down
carefully. They were surprised to see my precious treasure. They allowed me to take it home. I left the place saying good bye to the boy and the mother. I walked down the road with my
treasure having myjnys vided with tears of joy. 

42. Describe how his anger kept growing.

Poem : A poison tree
Author :Ruskin Bond
Theme : Grow love but not enmity
Character: poet, his friend and enemy, tree.

      The poet encountered with his enemy. But he was very careful not to tell him his anger.
He allowed his anger to grow. He watered it regularly. It grew into a tree. It blossomed and began to bear a fruit. The poet pretended to be friendly. But he sunned the tree only with false love. The poet made his attitude more attractive. His aim was only to defeat his enemy and kill him finally. The poet, was keen on his aim. His anger kept growing as a tree robustly.

"Grow love and throw enmity”

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43. Describe Margie's mechanical leacher and her classroom in your own words.

         Margie had a mechanical teacher . It had a large screen on which all the lessons were shown and questions were asked . It had a slot in which students had to put their homework and test papers. Margie had to write her answers in a punch code and the mechanical teacher calculated the marks  in no time.

Margie school was in her house itself. She did not have any classmates. She learnt geography,
history and arithmetic. She had regular days and hours for school. Her school room was right
next to her bedroom. The mechanical teacher always turned on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday because her mother said that little girls learned better when they learned at regular hours.

“Machine is the outcome of human brain".



1. Write a letter to your friend describing your ancestral house.

                                                1 ,  Bharathi street,
                          Bharathi puram ,  Madurai - 20
                                                   29th August 2021.
Dear Babu , 

I am delighted to write to you about my visit to our ancestral house. Last Saturday I had gone
there with my parents. It is an old house built with granite stones. There are lot of trees and
garden plants in the garden. My grandparents still live there. There was an old swing beside the
house. I started swinging for some time. I found some of my toys and dolls. I remembered my
childhood days. I took some of them with me. I wish to spend my vacation there. I realized that
rural life is comfortable than city life. We who live in the towns and cities miss the comforts a
lot. Well, convey my love and regards to your mom and dad.

                                                 Yours lovingly , 
                                                     Tamil raja .

M.Babu , 
S/O Mr. Murugan , 
Ettaya puram ,

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வாழ்த்துகளுடன் , 

மு.மகேந்திர பாபு  , தமிழாசிரியர் , 

இளமனூர் , மதுரை.

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GREEN TAMIL  - You Tube - 6 முதல் 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரையிலான தமிழ்ப்பாடங்கள் எளிய , இனிய        காட்சிப்பதிவுடன் பெரும்புலவர் திரு.மு.சன்னாசி ஐயா அவர்களின் விளக்கத்தில் கண்டு மகிழலாம்.

திங்கள் தோறும் பெரிய புராணம் பக்தித் தொடர் .

சனி  தோறும் நாலாயிர திவ்யப் பிரபந்தம்

ஞாயிறு தோறும் தமிழ் இலக்கணம்.

மற்றநாட்களில் தினமும்

 கம்பராமாயணம் உரைத்தொடர்.

சிலப்பதிகாரம் மூன்று காண்டங்களும் வரிக்கு வரி விளக்கத்துடன் காட்சிப்பதிவாகக் காணலாம்

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