Class: 9 Subject: English
Unit 1
PROSE - Learning the Game
Part - A
I. Answer the following
a) Find out the appropriate meaning for the underlined words.
1. The schedule was rigorous
a) flexible b ) easy c) severe
Answer : c ) severe
2. He was strict disciplinarian and did everything he could form me.
a) lenient
b) stern
c) easy going
Answer : b ) stern
b) Find out the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words.
3. Sir, agreed
b) admitted
c) disagreed
Answer : c ) disagreed
4. I always enjoyed the conversions about batting.
a) hate
b) like
c) love
Answer : hate
5. Write the homophone for the word "know"
Answer : no
6. Write the prefix for the word "appear"
Answer : disappear
7. Write the suffix for the word "sudden"
Answer : suddenly
II. Short Answer.
1. Who were Sachin's favourite players?
Sachin's favourite players were Sunil Gavaskar and Vivian Richards
2. What was coach Achrekar's first impression on sachin?
The coach Achrekar's first impression on sachin was that he was too young to make the camp.
3. Why was sachin asked to change the school?
Sachin was asked to change the school because his school did not have cricket coaching facilities .
III.Write in detail
1. 'Achrekar was a sincere coach' substantiate
Achrekar was a sincere coach. He found that Sachin had the potentiality to play
cricket. He changed his school. He gave him training from morning 7.30 am to 7pm in the evening. The morning session would end at 4.30 pm. After thirty minutes break, the evening session started at 5pm. He gave him training how to handle the last 30 minutes. If Sachin forgot to attend the class, he would come by scooter and dragged him.
He advised Sachin not to waste time in playing games with kids at home and to practice well in the net. It would bring out a great magic. Achrekar also punished Sachin when he bunked his evening class. He was angry that Sachin
went to see the inter-school cricket match. He encouraged Sachin that if he practised well, all the people would see him playing. He was a strict disciplinarian. He trained Sachin to become a very good cricketer.
Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening
Part - A
I. Read the following lines and answer the questions.
1.“ He will not see me stopping here
To watch his fill up with snow"
a) Who does 'he' refer to?
" he " refers to the owner of the forest.
b) Identify the season with these lines
its winter season
2. "My little horse must think it queen
To stop without a farmhouse near”
a) Who is the speaker?
The Author Robert frost is the speaker.
b) Pick out the rhyming words.
Queer and near the rhyming words.
3. "The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep”
a) How are the woods?
The woods are lovely , dark and deep.
b) Who does 'I' refer to?
I refers to the poet .
IL.Answer the following
1. “And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep”
i) Why has the poet repeated the last line?
The poet repeated the last line to conform the responsibilities of the poet.
ii) Explain miles to go before I sleep
The poet think about his duties and responsibilities to be completed before the last sleep , that is death.
2. "He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake"
i) Why does he give his harness bells a shake?
The horse shakes it's bells to ask the author if he had stopped there by mistake.
ii) ii) How does the horse communicate with the poet?
The horse communicates with the poet by shaking his harness bells.
III.Answer the following
Quote from the memory Poem
1. From 'whose woods...
To queer
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though,
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
2. Explain the main theme of the poem "Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening”.
Robert frost's poem 'Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening' shares with us an
experience of the poet, who stopped on his way to enjoy the beauty of the snowy-filled woods one evening. Though he wanted to stay there, for a longer time to watch the lovely, dark and deep woods, he could not do so. He had to go, as he
had promises to keep and a long way to go, before he sleeps. So, the title of the poem is rather simple and straight forward. It is something that suggests the very outline of the story. This title has the potential to build curiosity, as people generally don't stop in the dark-woods, that too, on a snowy evening. So, we the readers feel that there might be something interesting in it. So, thematically the title
is just and apt.
Part - A
I. Choose the most appropriate preposition from the options given.
1. Hang the charts --------- the wall.
a) in b ) on c) by
Answer : b ) on
2. The cat hid ------- the door.
a) behind b) over c) under
Answer : a ) behind
3. My uncle will visit me -------- May.
a) on b) at c) in
Answer : c ) in
4. The work will be over ------- this evening.
a) from b) to c) by
Answer : c ) by
5. I went -------- the book store.
a) at b) to c) above
Answer : b ) to
II. Answer the following as directed
6. Use ‘for' or 'since' in the appropriate sentence given below.
a) We have been living in Chennai for eight years.
b) He has been working since morning
7. Use between' or 'among' in the appropriate sentence given below.
a) he distributed his property among his two sons.
b) I am happy to be among friends again.
III.Answer the following
8. Write a letter to your friend describing the joy of celebrating festivals in your village.
9. Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.
a) He told to me a story.
He told me a story .
b) I prefer coffee for tea.
I prepare coffee to tea .
c) She is suffering with fever.
She is suffering from fever.
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The Envious Neighbour
Part - A
1. Identify the character or speaker of the following lines.
I) They gathered the treasure.
The old couple .
2) The pine tree under which, I am burried, to be cut down and made into a mortar.
The murdered dog.
3) Bow, wow, wow!
4) They dug, and found nothing but a quantity of dirt and nasty offal.
The envious neighbour.
5) He had not to wait long before he was called into the prince's palace, and ordered to exhibit his power.
The neighbour.
Part - B
II. Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the option given below.
6) In the old days, there lived a/an --------
man with his wife.
a) clever b) honest c) rich
Answer : An honoust
7) The old former and his wife loved -------
a) the cat b) the tiger c) the dog
Answer : The dog.
8) When the old couple became rich, they were generous towards -------
a) Poor neighbours b) rich neighbours
c) the prince
Answer : a ) Poor neighbours
Part - C
III. Read the passage given and answer the questions given below.
In the old, old days, there lived and honest man with his wife, who had a pet dog, which they used to feed with fish and tit-bit from their own kitchen. One day, as the old folks went out to work in their garden, the dog went with them, and began playing about. All of a sudden the dog stopped short, and began to bark.
The old people thought there must be something nice to cat under the ground, so they brought a spade and began digging, when, to and behold: The place was full of gold pieces and silver, and all sorts of precious things, which had been buried there. So, they gathered the treasure and after giving alms to the poor, bought
themselves rice-fields and corn-fields and became wealthy people.
9. What did the old couple have as pet?
The old couple have the dog as pet.
10. What was the pet dog fed with?
The pet dog was fed with fish and tit - bit from their own kitchen.
11. State the reason why the old couple brought a spade.
The old couple brought a spade to dig and gather the treasure .
12.Rearrange the following sentences in weren't order.
i) When the wicked old couple saw this, they came to borrow the mortar.
ii) In a fit of rage, the wicked old couple broke the mortar and burnt it.
iii) When he ground his rice in it, each grain of rice turned into some rich treasure.
iv) But no sooner did they try to use it, all their rive turned into fifth.
v) The old man made a mortar out of the wood of the pine-tree.
1 ) The old man made a mortar out of the wood of the pine-tree.
2 ) When the wicked old couple saw this, they came to borrow the mortar.
3 ) When he ground his rice in it, each grain of rice turned into some rich treasure.
4 ) But no sooner did they try to use it, all their rive turned into fifth.
5 ) In a fit of rage, the wicked old couple broke the mortar and burnt it.
Part - E
IV.Answer the following in a paragraph.
13. Narrate the story, 'The Envious Neighbour' in your own words.
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