Class:8 Subject:English
1.One Mark Questions:
Fill in the blanks with right answers.
1. The diamond Jewel belonged to Meenakshi Ammal's daughter
2. Ramayya and his wife lived with the fear of getting caught.
3 ) kuppayi was the servant maid of Meenakshi Ammal
4. The Diamond Jewel was lying in the muck - heap
5. The Sparrows built their nest in the roof of Ramayya's house.
Write the Synonyms for the following.
6. Grub - food
7. Ignorant - unaware
8. Flutter - to flap or wave quickly but irregularly.
Write the Antonyms for the following
9. Secret x Public
10. Careless × Careful
II .Short Answer.
11. Who were living in the town?
Ramayya and his wife were living in the town.
12. Where did the Sparrows build their nest?
The sparrows built their nests in the roof of Ramayya's house.
13. Why did the bird drop diamond stud?
The wife bird shouted at the male bird to go in search of food. so it dropped the diamond Stud.
14. Who was suspected of stealing the jewel?
The maid - servant kuppayi was suspected of stealing the jewel
15. What happened to Ramayya's wife at the end?
Ramayya's wife developed a severe fever and was confined to her bed.
16. How did Ramayyaa's wife react when she saw the nose Jewel ?
When Ramayya's wife was sweeping the floor She found the diamond nose stud. She picked it up with delight and wore it. Her husband told her that it was a mistake to keep the jewel. She did not bother about it. She knew that the jewel belonged to her neighbour's daughter. Yet she did not reveal about it to anyone. The maid - servant of the neighbour was suspected. The police searched her hut, but could not find it. Ramayya's wife put the stud away in her box. She soon developed a severe fever and was confined to her bed.
17. Why did the Sparrow throw the nose jewel into Ramayya's house ?
One day, the male Sparrow found a diamond jewel in a heap. He picked it up and came to the nest. But the female bird shouted at him go in search of food for their young ones.So the bird dropped the diamond stud in to Ramayya'
IV ) Activity
Complete the dialogue using the picture clues.
Mr.Arun : What are you going to buy in the super market ?
Mrs .Arun : I am going to buy some fruits and soaps in,the super market.
Mr.Arun : Where is my mobile phone ?
Mrs.Arun : Look at there . It is near the loptopb on the table.
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GREEN TAMIL - You Tube - 6 முதல் 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரையிலான தமிழ்ப்பாடங்கள் எளிய , இனிய காட்சிப்பதிவுடன் பெரும்புலவர் திரு.மு.சன்னாசி ஐயா அவர்களின் விளக்கத்தில் கண்டு மகிழலாம்.
திங்கள் தோறும் பெரிய புராணம் பக்தித் தொடர் .
சனி தோறும் நாலாயிர திவ்யப் பிரபந்தம்
ஞாயிறு தோறும் தமிழ் இலக்கணம்.
மற்றநாட்களில் தினமும்
கம்பராமாயணம் உரைத்தொடர்.
சிலப்பதிகாரம் மூன்று காண்டங்களும் வரிக்கு வரி விளக்கத்துடன் காட்சிப்பதிவாகக் காணலாம்
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