Class:7 Subject: ENGLISH
Unit - 1: Part-A
1.One Mark Questions
1. Hamid was ------------ years old boy
(a) Three
(b) Five
c ) Four
Answer - c ) Four
2.Hamid had ---------Paisas
a ) Three
(b) Ten
(c) Twelve
Answer - a ) Three
3.Hamid lived with his-------
(a) Grandpa
b ) Grandma
(c) Aunt
Answer - b ) Grandma
4.Hamid's Granny name-------
(a) Banu
(b) Sheela
c )Ameena
Answer - c ) Ameena
5.Finally Hamid bought pair of --------
(a) tongs
(b) shoes
(c) binoculars
Answer - a ) tongs
6. The --------- Swallowed Grandma
(a) Laptop
(b) Computer
(c) Tablet
Answer - b ) computer
7.-------------- disappeared from view
(a) Grandma
(b) Grandpa
(c) Friend
Answer - a ) Grandma
8. The adventures of Tamsawyer was written by -------
a ) mark tusain
b ) charles
(c) Thomas
Answer - a ) mark tusain
9.----------- hated to go school on Monday morning
a ) Tomsawyer
(b) Hucklebery
(c) Aunt policy
Answer - a ) Tomsawyer
10.-------- people were absent yesterday
(a) any
(b) some
(c) Few
Answer - b ) some
II. Short Answer.
1 ) Who was Hamid ?
Hamid was only four year , thin and poorly dressed boy.Who lived with his grandma
2.Who were Hamid's friends?
Hamid's friends were Mahmood, Mohsin, Noorey and Sammi.
3 ) What did he buy in the fair?
Hamid bought a pair of tongs in the fair.
4.What happened to Grandma?
The computer swallowed Grandma.
5.Why did Tom create toothache for him
Tom created toothache because he was not willing to go to school on Monday morning.
III.Write in detail.
1.Hamid - His Granny how did he express his love towards her?
Hamid bargained and bought a pair of tongs from the hardware shop for his grandma . Who often burnt her hands while cooking chapatis .This shows his love towards his Grandma.
2.What did you learn from poets feeling for her Grandma? (or) Summaries the poem?
The children's poem " The Computer Swallowed Grandma " was written by an Anonymous. The poet was chatting with her grandma. Suddenly by mistake , when grandma presses 'Control' and 'Enter ' her images vanishes from the screen.The upset poet thinks that a virus must have attacked her computer and searches for her in the recycle bin , all files and on the internet .But she couldn't find grandma.
IV. Activity
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with suitable quantifiers.
GREEN TAMIL - You Tube - 6 முதல் 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரையிலான தமிழ்ப்பாடங்கள் எளிய , இனிய காட்சிப்பதிவுடன் பெரும்புலவர் திரு.மு.சன்னாசி ஐயா அவர்களின் விளக்கத்தில் கண்டு மகிழலாம்.
திங்கள் தோறும் பெரிய புராணம் பக்தித் தொடர் .
சனி தோறும் நாலாயிர திவ்யப் பிரபந்தம்
ஞாயிறு தோறும் தமிழ் இலக்கணம்.
மற்றநாட்களில் தினமும்
கம்பராமாயணம் உரைத்தொடர்.
சிலப்பதிகாரம் மூன்று காண்டங்களும் வரிக்கு வரி விளக்கத்துடன் காட்சிப்பதிவாகக் காணலாம்
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Super bro my assignment easy finish Bro super bro