6 - English - Assignment - Key Answer - Unit 1 - 6 - ஆங்கிலம் - ஒப்படைப்பு - அலகு 1 - வினாக்களுக்கான முழுமையான விடைகள்.



               Subject: English         Class: 6

                               Unit 1


I. One Mark Questions

A) Choose the best option and fill in the blanks:

1. Sea turtles live their life in

a) the sea

b) the oceans

c) the ponds

d) the lakes

Answer - b ) the Oceans

2. Men created --------  for the sea turtles during the last two decades.

a) safety

b) danger


d) ponds

Answer - b ) danger

B) Choose the correct synonym of the underlined words:

3. A razor blade at the tip of a hatching's snout.

a) nose

b) teeth

c) mouth

d) tongue

Answer - a ) nose

4. How cheerful he seems to grin.

a) sadly

b) happy

c) laugh

d) smile

Answer - b ) happy

C) Choose the best answer from the given options:

5. Which pair of rhyming words is wrong?

a) tail-bail

b) jaws - claws

c) grin - claim

d) dim - jim

Answer - c ) grin - claim

6. The name Owlie was given by

a) Payal

b) Payal's mother

c) Shefali didi 

d) servant maid

Answer - a ) Payal

D) Identify the character / speaker:

7. "Mom! She's Back!"

a) watchman

b) Payal's mother

c) Payal's brother

d) Payal

Answer - d ) Payal

8. "You choose a name".

a) Payal's brother

b) Payal

c) Payal's mother

d) watchman

Answer - c ) Payal's mother.

E) Identify the predicate in the following sentences:

9. We found an island.

a) found

b) We

c) found an island

d ) and

Anser - c ) found an island

10. She bought a decent black shirt.

a) bought

b) a decent black shirt

c) black shirt

d) She bought

Answer - b ) a decent black shirt

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II. Short Answer.

1. Why do the Sea turtles come ashore?

                  Sea turtles come ashore at night to lay their eggs.

2. Name the five kinds of Sea turtles found in Indian Ocean.
         Olive Ridley , the Hawksbill , the green sea turtle , the Loggerhead and the Leatherback.

3. How does the Crocodile's tail look?

            The crocodile's tail looks shining.

4. Why did Payal and her mother want to bury Owlie?

           They thought that the Owlie was died.

5. "Reading up more about owls and their habits, Payal's mom discovered that Owlie
was a Spotted Owlet".

What did Payal's mom discover by reading books on Owls?

             Payal's mom discovered that Owlie was a ' spotted Owlet.

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                       PART - C

III ) Write in detail

1 ) What does the poet say about the Crocodile ?

                 The poet is talking about the crocodile.It lives in the river Nile. Crocodile improves its look by pouring the Nile river water on its body . It makes the Crocodile shine and the scales appear golden under the rays of the sun. It will make the Crocodile's look very attractive to the fishes that it wants to eat. 

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                       PART - D

IV ) Activity 

See the pictures and fill up the blanks with subject / predicate .

1 ) Cows are eating grass / Cows eat grass / Cows are grazing 

2 ) The students are reading in the classroom.

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GREEN TAMIL  - You Tube - 6 முதல் 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரையிலான தமிழ்ப்பாடங்கள் எளிய , இனிய        காட்சிப்பதிவுடன் பெரும்புலவர் திரு.மு.சன்னாசி ஐயா அவர்களின் விளக்கத்தில் கண்டு மகிழலாம்.

திங்கள் தோறும் பெரிய புராணம் பக்தித் தொடர் .

சனி  தோறும் நாலாயிர திவ்யப் பிரபந்தம்

ஞாயிறு தோறும் தமிழ் இலக்கணம்.

மற்றநாட்களில் தினமும்

 கம்பராமாயணம் உரைத்தொடர்.

சிலப்பதிகாரம் மூன்று காண்டங்களும் வரிக்கு வரி விளக்கத்துடன் காட்சிப்பதிவாகக் காணலாம்

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