WORK SHEET - 1 - Unit 1
Prose - Sea Turtles
I. Choose the pair of words with correct meanings.
a. Slash - Came out
b. Emerged- Continue to live A
Decade - Ten years
d. Survive - Cut
Answer c) Decade - Ten years
II. Find out the odd one.
a. Tortoise b. Turtle c. Crocodile d. Fish
Answer - fish
III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in brackets.
("Reptiles, Mammals, 'Birds)
Cow belongs to Mammals and Turtle belongs to Reptiles
IV. Read the following passage and answer the question given below:
There are seven species of marine or sea turtles in the world. Of them, five are found
in India's coastal waters: the Olive Ridley, the Hawksbill, the Green Sea Turtle, the
Loggerhead and the Leatherback. Compared to the other tortoises, sea turtles are huge.
Sea turtles live their life entirely in the oceans. But they still have a connection with land
as they must come ashore to lay eggs.
The synonym for the word 'huge' is big
a. small
c. tiny
d. little
V. Unscramble the word.
VI. Tabulate the following endangered species in the respective columns.
Bengal tiger, Fin whale, Red panda, Hawksbill turtle, Hector's Dolphin, Hammerhead
shark, Asiatic lion, Indian elephant
Water Animals - fin whale , Hawksbill turtle , Hector's Dolphin , Hammerhead shark
Land Animals - Bengal Tiger , Red Panda , Asiatic Lion , Indian Elephant
VII. 7. Write a short paragraph using the given clues.
Turtle - reptile family-flippers to swim - insects and bugs.
Turtle Belongs to Reptile family. There are 7 kinds of Turtles in the world. They live their entire life in the ocean. Turkles front clippers enable it to swin gracefully and effortlessly. But
they a are not very useful for moving onland. Turtle eats insects and bugs, Turtles come to the land to lay eggs .
VIII. 8. Write 5 lines about any reptile you are familiar with.
Lizard belongs to reptile family . Lizards are cold blooded creatures. They have long tails andeyes with eyelids . Lizards usually swallow their food. Swallow their food. Lizards eat insects and flies,
IX. 9. Read the tongue twister and write five tongue twister.
Red blood blue blood
Thought a thought
Betty botter bought a bit of butter
susie sitting in a Shoe Shine Shop
She selle seashells by the Seashore
Luke luck likes lakes.
X. 10. Read the passage on 'Tiger and write a paragraph about 'Cat '
Tiger belongs to cat family. The cat family includes lion, tiger, panther, black panther,
puma, snow leopard, Himalayan cat, domestic cat and white tiger. It lives in dense
forests. It is a carnivorous animal. It is a mammal. Tiger is an aggressive predator. It
has an attractive symmetry. It is the national animal of India. But sadly it has become
an endangered animal. Government of India takes serious efforts to save our national
cat is a Carnivorous animal. It is domesticated by human beings for more than
5000 years. It is a mammal. The average lifespan cat varies between lohe 15 years. A cat can
either be a house cat, a form cat ora feral eat. Cats are fury animals that the got four legs and tail. cats are used by farmers to keep away rats mics and other small animals from destroying
their crops.
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