Standard - 9 - English - Work Book - Work sheet - 1
Unit 1 - Prose - Learning the Game
1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct options given below.
(passion, stamina, influence, induction)
1.The management has arranged Induction _training to the new staff.
2. Horses were used for long rides because they have more_ stamina
3. The parents and the teachers have a significant influence on developing
values among the children.
II. Choose the appropriate antonym for the given words.
4.insane - wise
a. inefficient b.wise c. fool
5.Pursue - avoid
a. purse b. reach c.avoid
III. Read the following statements and answer the questions given below.
There was never quite enough time for the pockets to dry out completely, and for the
entire duration of the camp I played with wet pockets.
6. Sachin played with wet pockets because he had to use the same set of clothes after washing
a.he had to use the same set of clothes after washing.
b. his pants got wet in the rain.
I evolved a way of wrapping the kitbag around me.
7. Sachin had to wrap the kitbag around him as_ he had no space in the crowded bus.
a) he was scared of pickpocketing in the bus.
b) he had no space in the crowded bus.
IV. Solve the given anagram.
8. Fix a written work - a. - Edit
Try to lose weight - b. Diet
9. Another word for under-a. below
A part of your arm - b. elbow
V. Who said these words?
10. Don't waste your time, playing insane games" -
caach Achrekar
11. He is nervous. Give him one more chance." -
Ajit, Sachin's brother
VI. Write any two explanatory texts for the map.
12. Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on 24 th April
1973 in mumbai, Maharashtra .
13. _Sachin had gotten the highest civilisation
Award Ratna in the year of 2013
Ramakant Achrekar, coach to Sachin
Retired on 16th November 2012
Bharat Ratna Award 2013 - 24th April, 1973
VII. Read the following and answer the question given below.
Karagaattam- It is a popular folk dance of Tamilnadu, which involves balancing a poton.
the head to musical accomplishment.
Silambattam- It is a martial art form, practiced from the days of the Tamil kings.
14. If you have to learn any one of the two folk arts, .which one will you choose and why.
If I have to learn any one of the folk arts. I willChoose silambattom. Because it is a good form of
Cardio workout that improves heart fuction. It is a seltdefense also.
15. Write a sentence describing the above given folk arts.
karagattam- Karagattom has two divisions. attakaragane sakthi Karagam. This form of dance is very popular all over tamil Nadu. Both male and Female performers participate in this dance.
VIII. Pick out the odd word from the following sets.
16. Ploughing, sowing, manuring . rowing
17. Running, bowling, fielding. binding
18. Weaving, sewing, embroidering, constructing
IX. Identify the homophones in the following sentences.
19. I requested him to sing a religious hymn. dole
Him - Hymn
20. The students should write the right answers for the questions.
write – Right
X. Choose the correct prefix/suffix for the given words.
21. sheep - a. y b. ish c. ily -- Sheopish
22. awed -a, mis b. un c. over. - Overawed
XI. Use the given homonyms in sentences of your own. (one has been done for you)
Park - The children played in the park
My dad parked the car.
23. book - She is reading an english book
I have booked tickets for new movie
24. well - I am doing well
There are two wells in that village
XII. 25. Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on winning the championship
in the sports events, conducted in his school.
Thank You Friends !