7th English work book bridge Course.
Prose - Eidgah
UNiT - 1 - Term - 1 - wook Sheet - 1
I . Read the passage and Answer the questions 1 & 2
The village was filled with excitemente
Every one got up early to go to the Eidgah.
The boys were more excited than the others
Mohmood had twelve coins, Mohsin had
fifteen coins and Hamid had only the
paisas. With this money, they would buy
countless things: toys, sweets, paperpipes,
rubber balls and much more.
1) How many boys are there in the passage?
who had little money?
There are three boys is the passage . Hamid had only three paisas.Hamid had the least money .
2) What would you buy if you have hundred
rupees ? State the reason.
I would buy one hot box for my father. He can have not food to eat after work
II. 3. Choose the correctly spelt word.
a) misrable
b ) miserable
c ) misarable
d) misareble
Answer - b ) miserable
III. select the most suitable word by referring
to a dictionary to make the following
sentence meaningful .
4 My mother broke the kettle of boiling
water and ---------- her right hand badly.
a) wounded
b ) scolded
c ) Sizzled
d) Searched
Answer - c ) Sizzled
IV . Choose the suitable prefix the
underlined word in the given sentences.
5 . Granny Ameena was happy as she did not
have even a handful of grains.
a ) un
b ) dis
c ) in
d ) mis
Answer - Unhappy
6 . Arrange the following sentences is proper
sequence and choose the right order from
the options given below.
i ) He borrowed some money from neighbour
for me .
ii) However , he promised to get the money
I needed .
iii ) Since I had no money with me . I
decided to borrow from my friend.
iv ) The electricity bill had to be paid
v) But, he had no money with him to lend me.
Ans: a) iv, iii , v , ii , i
VI . 7 Write three sentences about any one o the
festivals that you have celebrated recently.
I celebrated pongal festival recently.
We celebrated for three days. we cleaned
full house. We made pongal and decorated
house . We shared our food to our neighbours.
We wore new dress and ate many
Thank You Friends .
M.Mahendra Babu , Teacher , Madurai